About a month ago, I did a commercial portrait shoot of Tad and Debbie Wicker in preparation for their new marketing campaign including their new website. Crimson Fly Marketing used the images to design their marketing pieces and new website which will be launching this weekend! Check it out at wickerhomesgroup.com!
On Friday, I had the opportunity to do a shoot of the landscaping and design work of Main Street Landscape. It was a beautiful home and yard! With being 35 weeks pregnant, I was quite exhausted by the end of the shoot. I don’t think it would have been so bad if it wasn’t so hilly, but I loved being in the environment and enjoying the scenery.
So, I thought I’d try the technique described here to create an “invisible black background” with Nikki the “supermodel.” First we tried shooting inside, but the flash was lighting up the furniture and wall behind her. So, then we moved outside in a shady area in my backyard. I think it would have been better to try this in the evening rather than in the middle of the afternoon because in order to get the background completely black I needed to close the aperture down so far that not enough light from my flash was getting to my camera to light her up. And when I opened the aperture up more the bright spots coming through the trees were showing up in my background. So, most of my photos ended up with a very dark background, but not completely black. It took some trial and error to even get everything close to right, but I did end up with one image that I really liked after a little bit of editing (mostly of the background, not Nikki).