This week I photographed a beautiful home in Lovettsville, Virginia for a Realtor named Roger. It’s an amazing 3,400 square foot property on 10 acres of land in Loudoun County. Below are some of my favorite shots of the house.
The home studio is now set up and Ruthie was my guinea pig of sorts allowing me to take her senior portraits in the new studio. We chose a blue background to match the senior portraits of her siblings. We also took some shots outside. The wooded area provided a nice, natural backdrop.
Last weekend, I photographed some of the cutest dogs for the 3rd annual dog fundraiser and birthday party for the Alexandria Animal Welfare Shelter. I had the pleasure of working with Toni from Anytime K9.
For those of you who don’t know, I work full-time as the webmaster for Jim Koons Automotive. For the past couple months the government has been running the “Cash for Clunkers” program where dealers take old cars with poor gas mileage as a trade-in and customers get money from the government for their trade. As part of the program, the dealer agrees to destroy the clunker. Well, last week I got to see the clunkers get destroyed. Here are a few photos of the vehicles getting smashed!
This week I photographed a fundraiser event for the Oldies But Goodies Cocker Spaniel Rescue at the Cosi in Arlington. Most of the guests were foster parents for dogs. So, they brought their dogs along as well. There were raffle prizes to raise money for OBG and some fun games for the dogs. It was a great time!
Some yummy treats for our four-legged friends and fundraiser information.
One of the happy dogs present at the fundraiser.
Such a beautiful doggy!
Some of the Cocker Spaniels present at the fundraiser!
Jon is a fitness model from the Philadelphia area. He came down to the DC area for a fitness shoot with me. We did the shoot at Stead Park because the basketball court has a pretty amazing graffiti mural featuring the characters from the Wizard of Oz. Here’s some of my favorite shots from the day. Enjoy!
Jon posing with the awesome mural.
This kind of shape doesn’t happen overnight!
A shot of our awesome background for the day.
Mid-workout with resistance bands.
Jon messed around with a basketball while I took some shots.